Model Spotlight

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with Elle Lee

The highest ranked Korean Model talks about cultural perceptions, livestreaming, and more.

By Pornhub | May 03, 2024 | 5 minutes

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we caught up with top Korean Model, Elle Lee. She talks to us about leveraging social media and livestreaming to grow her brand, the cultural differences in porno between Korea and America, being nominated for Pornhub Awards, and more.


Let’s start at the beginning! Tell us how you began creating content and how you evolved to where you are today.

Three years ago, I made an Instagram page and started shooting with local photographers to grow my online presence while I stripped through college. Entering the industry boosted my social media platforms, which I was then able to use to grow and invest into higher quality content, especially on Pornhub!


We love that! We also love diversity, which brings us to our next question. Every May, people all over the world celebrate Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. How does recognizing and celebrating the achievements of these people create a more culturally rich society?

I think minorities have been ignored and denied recognition for a long time, so celebrating the accomplishments of these creators is super cool and contributes to a diverse and cultural society!


Speaking of accomplishments, congratulations on your three recent Pornhub Awards nominations! What was your initial reaction to getting this news?

Thank you so much! I was super excited as it was my first time being nominated. I worked hard last year to create content and it was very fulfilling to be recognized for it. I think these nominations help put my name out there as well. Thank you again to my fans and to Pornhub for creating a platform for me to be creative and show my intimate moments!


You are consistently ranked within the Top 50 Most Popular Models on Pornhub with over 350K subscribers and 138 million video views. What has contributed the most to your success in the Model Program?

I think in all my videos, I try to portray a sense of authenticity and personality as well as chemistry with my partners. This allows my videos to accumulate a sizable number of views. I always post content that I want to film and produce it in a way that I would want to see instead of following what other people are doing. I also think there was a lack of the kind of content I was creating, which led to some success as well!


During our 2023 Year in Review Insights, “Korean” saw the biggest boost in Pornhub categories with an increase of +82% compared to 2022. Has Korean culture spanned into mainstream porno as well?

With Korean culture and pop culture being so central in our daily lives, I wanted to take advantage of my culture and background and advertise and uplift that part of myself. I know there are other Asian creators on Pornhub, but I noticed a lack of Korean creators specifically. I constantly pushed the fact that I was Korean, and I would love to think that I was a bit of the reason for the boost in interest!


Most definitely! Do you find porno is perceived differently in Korea than it is in America?  

I think that Asian countries in general consider promiscuity and porno a lot more taboo, as the cultures are more conservative.    


If there was one piece of advice you could give to new Models, what would it be?

Make the content you want to make. Creating content that you are not passionate about shows on the screen. If you are having a good time and feel amazing, the content will look amazing!


When you are not shooting content, how do you relax and recharge when you have downtime?  

I play a lot of online video games such as Valorant. I also like to chill in Discord calls with my online buddies or stream on Twitch.


Speaking of streaming, how do you leverage this technology to engage with your fanbase and how do they support you?

I started full time livestreaming on Twitch in January. I have been travelling quite often and I noticed that my fans love watching me stream my travels, watching me eat, watching me shop, and watching me interact with people and the world as well as watching me game and dance when I am at home. I love chatting and interacting with my fans in real time. I feel super fulfilled when they come in and say they love my videos!


What are you most looking forward to right now? Any exciting new content coming up?

I am looking to travel around the world, all around Asia, maybe more of Europe, and I hope that I can continue to make more vlog type videos that did so well on my page. I want to take you guys along with me as I travel, eat, explore, and have more mind-blowing sex!


Who are some content creators you recommend fans should keep an eye on?

I have always looked up to Rae Lil Black! I admire her hard work and efforts as I see her making content in Asia. I hope to work with her someday!


If you are interested in creating passionate and authentic content like Elle Lee, you can start by joining the Model Program. Learn more about it here!
